Tag Archives: inerrancy of scripture

snippets (1/21/12)

Spanking – Their new stance on spanking isn’t really the issue with CT magazine’s January ’12 article (while I disagree completely with it, it’s a topic for a different time).  What’s really at stake is the interpretation of scripture as a whole.  William Webb’s so called “trajectory hermeneutic” is a not-so-thinly disguised form of interpretive liberalism, because the doctrine of the inerrancy of scripture means that there can be no higher ethic.

Sexual Transparency and Scripture – Jerry Wragg responds to some pastors and authors who tend toward the explicit, no-holds-barred type of discussions of sexuality.

Bloodlines – John Piper’s book available for PDF download for free. I read the first chapter this morning and I’m excited to dig in further.  Give it a read and comment with your thoughts!

“Believing, therefore, that there is such a thing as truth, and such a thing as falsehood, that there are truths in the Bible, and that the gospel consists in something definite which is to be believed by men, it becomes to us decided as to what we teach, and to teach it in a decided manner. We have to deal with men who will be either lost or saved, and they certainly will not be saved by erroneous doctrine. We have to deal with God, whose servants we are, and he will not be honored by our delivering falsehoods. . .

Neither less nor more than God’s Word are we called to state, but that Word we are bound to declare in a spirit which convinces the sons of men that, whatever they may think of it, we believe God, and are not to be shaken in our confidence in him.”

C. H. Spurgeon

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Posted by on January 21, 2012 in Snippets


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